Philippe MARTINS

Philippe MARTINS is a certified Project Management Professional (PMI-PMP)® and also a certified Professional Scrum Master (PSM)®. Its target is "GETTING THE THINGS DONE !"

COST. Earned Value Management

Key words : Cost, Earned Value Management, Actual Cost, AC, Planned Value, PV, Earned Value, EV, Budget At Completion, BAC, Cost Variance, CV, Schedule Variance, SV, Cost Performance Index, CPI, Schedule Performance Index, SPI, Estimate At Completion, EAC, Estimate To

Communication Channel formula

Communication Channel : This is the total number of potential communication channels between the Stakeholders. Example


Gallery of Trips 2018

4 mins read

Duo dolorum mandamus mnesarchum te. Sit ridens persius ex. Vel noluisse perpetua consequat ex, has nostro antiopam eu. Nec esse meis eu. Dico legendos sed an, eu sed meis ferri assentior.


5 secrets of a healthy breakfast

Labore nonumes te vel, vis id errem tantas tempor. Solet quidam salutatus at quo. Tantas comprehensam te sea, usu sanctus similique ei. Viderer admodum mea et, probo tantas alienum ne vim. Eos in meis detracto. Lorem everti eos ne.

5 mins read

What you are about to see is real

The creature is driven by rage and pursued by an investigative reporter. The creature is wanted for a murder he didn’t commit. David Banner is believed to be dead, and he must let the world think that he is dead, until he

6 mins read

“I lose it all” – said the woman

Doc Bruce Banner, pelted by gamma rays, turned into the Hulk – ain’t he unglamorous! Wreckin’ the town with the power of a bull, Ain’t no monster cause who is that lovable? It’s ever-lovin’ Hulk!…Hulk! Hulk! Making your way in the world

4 mins read
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