Formula for Triangular distribution and BETA distribution
Formula for Triangular distribution and BETA distribution

SCHEDULE. Estimate Activity Duration

Key words : Knowledge Transfert, Learning Curve, Student Syndrome, Parkinson’s Law, Triangular distribution, BETA distribution, PERT estimate

Some considerations :
Star_1Number of resources : Increasing the number of resources to TWICE the original number of resources DOES NOT ALWAYS reduce the time by half. Indeed, we must estimate the Knowledge Transfert costs and the Learning Curve Costs.
Star_1Advance in technologies (progrès technologique)
Star_1Motivation of the Team : The PM (Project Manager) must be aware of : 

  • the Student Syndrome (Procrastination ie tomorrow is better to perform this task)
  • The Parkinson’s Lauw (when work expands to fill the time available for its completion.

Linear graph (triangular distribution)

For the TRIANGULAR Distribution, This terms are often associated : ‘Simple average‘ or ‘Straight average‘, ‘No experience‘, ‘No Historical info‘.

This is a Linear Distribution and it not considers any risks. It gives the equal weight to the three-point estimates when you calculate the Expected Activity Duration or the costs.

Here is the formula :

Expected Activity Duration (EAD) = (P + M + 0) / 3

  • P = Pessimistic estimation 
  • M = Most Likely estimation
  • O = Optimistic estimation


Beta distribution graph

For the BETA Distribution, This terms are often associated : ‘Weight average‘ or ‘Historical datas‘, ‘Samples to work with‘.

This is a Non Linear Distribution and it considers the risks. It gives stronger consideration to the Most likely estimate (M) (also called PERT estimate) when you calculate the Expected Activity Duration or the costs.

PERT = Program Evaluation and Review Technique

Here is the formula :

Expected Activity Duration (EAD) = (P + 4M + 0) / 6

  • P = Pessimistic estimation 
  • M = Most Likely estimation
  • O = Optimistic estimation

Philippe MARTINS

Philippe MARTINS is a certified Project Management Professional (PMI-PMP)® and also a certified Professional Scrum Master (PSM)®. Its target is "GETTING THE THINGS DONE !"
The next challenge for Philippe is to achieve the Risk Management Professional certification (PMI-RMP) on 2019.

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